Don’t forget the Fires – Song Version

Don’t forget the Fires – Song Version

Don’t forget the fires
When it’s cool and moist and starts to rain.
The monster’s only sleeping –
Don’t treat it with disdain.
Don’t treat it with disdain

We’re feeding it with Carbon,
It will rise and come again.
It will rise and come again

Don’t forget the terror, lost lives and property,
The trauma and the worry.
Thank God for our community,
Thank God for our community.

And you know, there was a billion native animals burnt,
That used to bless our land.
Those that survived; they need us;
We must give them hand,
We must give them a hand.

Climate change is real, my friend
It’s showed it teeth this year.
Through floods and ice and mighty fires,
While we had to watch in fear.

Beaches growing smaller;
Pacific islands bear her wrath;
Rivers stopping running;
And the fish can only gasp.

But still, you keep on pretending,
Climate change is not so bad.
You say we must still approve more coal and gas
And fracking is not so bad.

But why don’t you see the harm they do
To our farms, and water and climate too.
We just can’t afford more gas and coal
If we want our health and farms and water too
Our health and farms and water too.

Don’t forget those bushfires
When it’s cool and moist and starts to rain.
That monster’s only sleeping –
Don’t treat him with disdain.
Don’t treat him with disdain.

If you don’t stop feeding him with Carbon,
He will rise and come again.
He will rise and come again.


This song is dedicated to those Australians who are still suffering from our
Black Summer bushfires. This song is also dedicated to those politicians
and government officials who, despite the multi-headed monster that is
climate change, still keep approving and promoting new gas and coal developments.